Become a Guest Editor

    Thank you for your interest in acting as a guest editor!

    Please read the following guidelines and then fill out the proposal form. If your proposal is selected, you will be contacted by the managing editor of your selected journal.

    A Special Issue is an opportunity for an open access journal to cultivate a collection of high-quality articles on topics of relevance to the aims & scope of the journal. They are organized by Guest Editors who are recognized experts in their field. As the Guest Editor, you have the chance to shape the content, define the aims & scope of the special issue, and collaborate with colleagues around a topic of particular interest to your personal research.

    A special issue normally contains between 5 and 20 full-length articles, in addition to an editorial written by the special issue organizers. All special issue articles will undergo full, independent peer review, in line with Syncsci’s ethical, peer review and editorial policies.


    Special Issue Proposal Form

    (All information in this form will be treated as confidential and will only be used by SyncSci Publishing.)

    Select Journal*

    First Name*

    Middle Name

    Last Name*

    Gender*Male  Female

    Date of Birth*


    Education Degree*


    Special Issue Title*

    Special Issue Description*

    Institutional Email*

    Retype Email*





    Full Name and Date:


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