Prof. Pietro Vajro, graduated cum laude in Medicine in 1976; thereafter post graduated in Pediatrics (1980) and in Hepatology (1989) cum laude at the University of Naples “Federico II” Italy.
—Presently he is Associate Professor and Chairman of Pediatrics at the Dept. of Pediatrics of the University of Salerno. He is Faculty Delegate for the Erasmus Exchange Programme.
—In charge of the Pediatric University Division of the University Hospital of Salerno.
—Teaching responsibilities: General Pediatrics; Pediatric Gastroenterology &Hepatology for Medical School Students, Pediatrics Residents and Fellows, PhD and Master, and Nurses.
—Research interests and Publications: Main clinical and research interests are focussed on Pediatrics and on Ped GI and Nutrition, and Liver and biliary tract disorders in children.
—He has published more than 170 original papers on international peer reviewed journals with high Impact Factor and high citations, more than 400 communications at national and international congresses, and several Books chapters.
—He has been invited to give more than 200 talks and to chair scientific sessions at several major national and international meetings.
—Major Research Funding: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Ministero Italiano de ll’Università e dellaRicercaScientifica, University of Salerno, Ministero de llaSanità, Regione Campania, European Community Funds.
—Active Elected Memberships in Professional and Honorary Societies: European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (secretary of the ESPGHAN Liver Committee); European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL); Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP); Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP); Italian Society of Liver Studies (AISF); European Laboratory for Food Induced Diseases (ELFID); He has been in charge of the Liver Committee of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP); He has organized Hepatology Summer Schools for ESPGHAN and SIGENP.
—Editorial Boards: He is/has been in the EB of relevant international Journals (e.g. JPGN, DLD) and serves as habitual reviewer for several 1st rank Pediatric, GI and Internal Medicine international periodicals.