Dr. Cristiano Inguglia


  • 2017-present, Scientific responsible of the Evaluation and monitoring action of the project “DAPPERTUTTO. Territori e Comunità per inventare il futuro” promoted by the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, and funded by CON I BAMBINI Impresa Sociale, “Fondo per il Contrasto della Povertà Educativa Minorile” Legge 28 dicembre 2015 n. 208, articolo 1, comma 392. The project is aimed at foste ring psychosocial wellbeing and contrasting educational poverty in children aged from 0 to 6 years old in the city of Palermo.
  • 2016- present, Scientific responsible for the Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione of the Università degli Studi di Palermo of Action 3 of the project “PRO.V.A.C.I. – Profili di volontari in apprendimento di competenze per l’inclusione”, promoted by Per Esempio onlus of Palermo and funded by Fondazione con il Sud (Bando Con il Sud che partecipa 2015). The activities are aimed at promoting soft skills in the volunteers working in the field of migrants’ social inclusion and prevention of educational poverty.
  • 2016- present, Responsible of the inter-institutional team of the project “Skills for Life: una ricerca-intervento per la promozione e la certificazione delle competenze dei giovani nel circuito penale minorile” promoted by the Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione of the Università degli Studi di Palermo and the Ufficio Servizi Sociali Minori (USSM) of Palermo. The project is aimed at enhancing the competences of USSM’s workers in performing interventions of promotion of Life Skills according to Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach.
  • 2007-present, Coordinator of the Italian research activities in the International Cooperation Project MIRIPS (Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies), promoted by prof. J. Berry (Queen’s University, Canada).


  • 2017, Award for research activities in the framework of “Fondo per le attività base di ricercadella Legge 11 Dicembre 2016 N. 232 (GU n.297 del 21-12-2016 – Suppl. Ordinario n. 57) dell’ANVUR”.
  • 2015, SSEA Travel Award provided by Jacobs Foundation in order to attend the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, October 14-16, 2015 in Miami, Florida, USA.
  • 2013, Grant for a Study Visit in the framework of Lifelong Learning Program on the topic “Education – Participation – Citizenship” (2013-1-IT2-KA101-56464) in The Hague (The Netherlands).
  • 2012, Grant for international collaboration (CORI) “Autonomy and connectedness among Italian and US emerging adults” with prof. Charissa Cheah of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA).
  • 2005, Grant for the National Project “Regional and National identities and european integration: psychosocial factors affecting the opportunity of new kind of governance”, funded by the CNR – Promozione Ricerca 2004 – Settore Giovani (Young Researchers).
  • 2001, Grant for the Project “National and European Identity among Italian children”, financed by the University of Palermo, call “Young Researchers”.