Evaluation of the effectiveness of sexual skills training on increasing marital satisfaction
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Background and Aims: Dissatisfaction with sexual relationships can influence the marital life of people and have negative psychological effects on them. Hence, the current research was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of sexual skills training on marital satisfaction. Methods: The study design was quasiexperimental with pre-test and post-test type along with a control group. The research samples included 14 couples (28 people) who were randomly divided into experimental and control groups to evaluate the effect of sexual medicine intervention. Interventions were provided to the experimental group during 9 sessions. Control group did not receive any interventions during this time. Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (short form) was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using SPSS, version 19, software. Results and Conclusion: The results revealed that sexual skills training increased marital satisfaction (p<0.01). Thus, based on the results obtained and the importance of sexual skills training in increasing marital satisfaction, psychotherapists and counselors are recommended to use this intervention to reduce marital problems and increase satisfaction in couples.
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