
ReviewerCredits《行为与健康 》(ISSN:2630-466X)是经同行评审的国际学术期刊,为半年刊,发表实证和理论性文章,将社会学的概念和方法应用于对健康和疾病的理解以及医学和卫生保健的组织中。

• 健康政策管理和行为健康
• 医疗行为、医学人文与医患关系
• 心理行为和生活质量
• 身体疾病与精神健康
• 公共卫生和行为健康
• 临床诊断、治疗及行为管理
• 心理行为健康诊断与评估
• 心理行为干预与治疗
• 行为医学研究在大陆、香港和台湾的研究进展
• 行为医学和护理和功能康复
• 行为医学研究
• 行为医学和其他交叉学科
• 吸烟与健康
• 饮酒与健康
• 睡眠与健康

卷 7 编号 1 (2024)

发表: 2024-10-15

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Page 281-301

Bridging the gap: Political engagement and trust as mediators of racial health inequities and vaccine reluctance

blankpage Florent Nkouaga

This paper investigates how political engagement and trust can reduce health disparities in the context of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. It posits that active participation in the political process and trust in political institutions enable communities, especially marginalized ones, to advocate for equitable health policies, leading to more inclusive healthcare services. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach to understand how politics influence individual and collective health behaviors and decision-making. The research uses t-tests and logistic regression to analyze the relationship between political factors (like interest and participation) and trust in political and federal systems on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The t-test examines disparities in vaccine hesitancy across racial groups, revealing significant differences and emphasizing the impact of race on health behaviors. Logistic regression, controlling for variables such as partisanship and media influence, further explores these relationships, showing a consistent negative correlation between trust in federal institutions and vaccine hesitancy across racial groups. The study also finds that this correlation varies by race, with trust in the political system and political participation influencing vaccine hesitancy to different degrees among racial groups. These findings underscore the complex interplay between political engagement, trust, and health behaviors, highlighting the role of politics in shaping public health outcomes.

Alba Malara-photo  刊      号: 2630-466X
 刊名缩写: Adv Health Behav
 主      编: Alba Malara 主任医师(意大利)
 出版周期: 连续出版
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