Exploring user perceptions: The impact of ChatGPT on high school students' physics understanding and learning
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in education is increasing, including ChatGPT as a learning tool in physics subjects. This study aims to analyze high school students' perceptions of using ChatGPT in physics learning, focusing on demographic factors such as gender, academic level, and duration of use. Involving 167 students, the study used a survey to evaluate students' views on various aspects of the learning experience with ChatGPT, including effectiveness, clarity, consistency of information, and the tool's ability to enrich understanding of physics concepts. Results showed that students' perceptions were positive overall, with ChatGPT perceived as helping to deepen concept understanding, improving the ability to correct misconceptions, and providing an enjoyable learning experience. Significant differences were found based on gender and academic level, while the duration of ChatGPT use showed no overall significant effect, though longer use enhanced specific benefits. These findings highlight the potential of ChatGPT to support physics education by addressing students' diverse needs and improving learning outcomes, offering insights for educators in integrating AI tools effectively into classrooms.
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