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Adapting to a rapidly evolving world: Insights from AI initiatives in Azerbaijan

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Tunar Mammadov
Maral Jamalova corresponding author


This study investigates the evolution and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Azerbaijan, focusing on its integration into various sectors through state-led digital initiatives. It examines Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments in Azerbaijan from 2019 to 2023, focusing on its integration across government, technology, and infrastructure through the AI Readiness Index. As Azerbaijan adopts AI to boost economic growth and enhance public services, significant progress is evident in digital initiatives and broader e-governance efforts. The study highlights the potential of AI to transform Azerbaijan's socioeconomic landscape and establish it as a regional hub for digital innovation, while also considering the ongoing challenges and future opportunities for enhancing its digital ecosystem.

artificial intelligence, Azerbaijan, situational approach

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How to Cite
Mammadov, T., & Jamalova, M. (2025). Adapting to a rapidly evolving world: Insights from AI initiatives in Azerbaijan. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 5(1), 1262-1271.


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