Vol 1 No 1 (2020)

Published: 2020-02-13

Abstract views: 3999   PDF downloads: 1675  

Page 24-39

Global mindset and the performance of Chinese firms

blankpage Yongjian Bao, Eden Yin

More and more Chinese firms are pursuing internationalization strategies. However, most of them have not managed to succeed in the global markets. One possible reason for such failure is their lack of a proper global mindset. This study investigates the following three issues: first, how global minded Chinese firms are; second, what the critical drivers for their global mindedness are; third, what strategic orientation these Chinese firms adopt when they pursue internationalization strategies and how their global mindedness is related to their performance. Results indicate that first, the current level of global mindedness of most Chinese firms are fairly low. Second, experience with foreign culture, leadership vision and firm capacity are important determinants of a firm’s global mindedness. Third, global minded Chinese firms tend to pursue aggressive and risky internationalization strategies and they generally perform better than those with low level of global mindedness.

Abstract views: 6473   PDF downloads: 3675  

Page 16-23

Accounting information quality and investment decisions in the emerging markets

blankpage Nouha Khoufi

Accounting information quality has been said to play an important role in reducing information asymmetry. Thus, firms with high accounting information quality may enhance more investors’ decisions. This paper aims to empirically examine the association between accounting information quality and investment decisions among firms in Tunisia. The sample of this study consists of 50 firms listed on the Tunis Stock Exchange covering 2012 to 2016. The findings imply that accounting information quality is significantly negatively related to investment inefficiency. The inclusion of control variables and the use of alternative models to measure accounting information quality provide consistent findings. This paper has several important contributions. First, this paper provides new empirical evidence in an emerging market. Although emerging markets make up the vast majority of economic activity around the world, they have received limited attention in academic research. Second, this paper can also help researchers to better understand and realize the governance role of accounting information, and push them to investigate the other role of accounting information deeply and broadly.

Abstract views: 3952   PDF downloads: 2898  

Page 7-15

E-tourism in developing and underdeveloped countries: Case of Cameroon

blankpage Jonathan Tchamy, Joseph Ateba, Berthe Cyrielle Maloum Koubikat, Idriss Thierry Tchamy

Tourism is a fragmented yet most popular sector worldwide. The involvement of ICT and social media in a tourism sector is now very popular in developed countries, meanwhile developing countries are still struggling on the implementation of the e-tourism in their respectively countries. The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the related concepts and research foundation on E-tourism, and make an overview of E-tourism in several developing countries, then compare Cameroon’s E-tourism industry performances with China’s industry follow by the investigation of the major determinants of E-tourism adoption in Cameroon and recommendations for better E-tourism development in developing and underdeveloped countries like Cameroon. Differences between China and Cameroon are: cultural difference and environment differences. Opportunities between China and Cameroon are: creation of job opportunities and development of infrastructures that would benefit the tourism industry under the belt and road initiative. It is found that China’s presence in Africa is very important ,also China has shown a growing interest in open up new markets and investments opportunities and accessing the energy resources of Africa in return it has offers credits opportunities, development assistance as well as strategic partnerships with African governments and they are equally interested in collaborating with Cameroon as they look for new businesses opportunities and ways to boost regime stability specially by developing the tourism industry.

Abstract views: 3109   PDF downloads: 1671  

Page 2-6

User-friendly computer programs so econometricians can run the a priori procedure

blankpage Hui Li, David Tramow, Tonghui Wang, Cong Wang, Liqun Hu

In the 2019 special issue of Econometrics on significance testing and alternatives, Trafimow (2019) provided an alternative, termed the a priori procedure (APP). The APP involves finding the necessary sample size to meet prior specifications for precision and confidence and Trafimow reviewed equations for performing the APP. But the Trafimow article is limited in two important ways. Most important, the crucial equations must be solved by iteration, thereby rendering them impractical without the aid of relevant programming. The present work addresses the limitation by providing links to user-friendly programs, along with instructions, so even researchers unsophisticated in mathematics or statistics can use the APP. An additional limitation is that the APP bears a surface resemblance to power analysis. Although Trafimow had explained qualitatively why the APP and power analysis differ, there were no quantitative demonstrations. In contrast, the present article provides quantitative demonstrations to increase the clarity of the distinction. A conclusion that comes out of the quantitative demonstrations is that power analysis, as it is conventionally used, causes researchers to use insufficient sample sizes; an ironic conclusion as an important reason for researchers to perform power analyses is to address the problem of insufficient sample sizes. Thus, the present work is a follow-up piece to the previous Econometrics article because it addresses two important limitations of that article.

Abstract views: 3156   PDF downloads: 1526  

Pages 1

Preface for Frontiers in Management and Business

blankpage Hideaki Sakawa

I am delighted to announce the "call for paper" of our launch issue. We open with any topics related to Management and Business areas. FMB is also open to different methodological approaches, including, quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, theoretical study, and case work, contributing to an understanding of something new in Management and Business. In addition, perspective and review papers are also welcome to submit. We are very much welcome to submit your high quality manuscripts in FMB in the future.