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Archive of Published Issues: 2022

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Journal URL https://syncsci.com/journal/REIE
Title 《资源环境与信息工程》
Publisher SyncSci Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore
Description An international academic journal, which mainly studies the interdisciplinary and comprehensive fields of geospatial information science, resource science and environmental science. REIE will accept high-profile submissions including but not limited to:, Environmental engineering, Environmental Science, Environmental monitoring and evaluation, Improvement of ecological environment and pollution control, Water pollution control theory and technology, Air pollution control and catalytic technology, Environmental planning and management, Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Geographic information system, Remote sensing science and technology.
ISSN 2661-3131
Language(s) English (en_US)
简体中文 (zh_CN)
Publisher Email snowy.wang@syncsci.com

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