Aims and Scope

ReviewerCreditsResources Environment and Information Engineering (REIE) (eISSN: 2661-3131) is an open access, continuously published, international, refereed  journal which mainly studies the interdisciplinary and comprehensive fields of geospatial information science, resource science and environmental science. REIE publishes high quality special report, investigations, techniques and methods, original research work etc.

REIE will accept high-profile submissions including but not limited to:
• Environmental engineering
• Environmental Science
• Environmental monitoring and evaluation
• Improvement of ecological environment and pollution control
• Water pollution control theory and technology
• Air pollution control and catalytic technology
• Environmental planning and management
• Surveying and Mapping Engineering
• Geographic information system
• Remote sensing science and technology

Vol 6 No 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-12-09

Abstract views: 313   PDF downloads: 123  

Page 270-279

Hydrogeological and hydrochemical study of groundwater aquifer in Wasit Governorate, Eastern Iraq

blankpage Hussein Ilaibi Zamil Al-Sudani

The main aim of groundwater studies is to assess the physical and chemical characterizations of water-bearing layers as a goal for assessing their suitability for various purposes Wasit Governorate, which is located in eastern Iraq, is an important area in terms of agriculture and poultry and livestock husbandry. The area mainly depends on groundwater, especially on the Iraqi-Iranian border. The area was investigated (40) wells inventoried during the field study and used to demonstrate the hydrogeological and hydrochemical properties. The groundwater aquifer is composed of Quaternary deposits and Mukdadiyah formation. The mean thickness, transmissivity, and maximum yields were 53 meters, 114 m2/day, and 600 m3/day, respectively. The groundwater moved partially to the western parts and mainly towards the southern parts of the area towards Shuwaicha Marsh, which is located outside the study area. The salinity map showed a regular decrease in salinity concentrations towards the central and southwestern parts of the area due to groundwater recharge from infiltrated surface water. The groundwater is brackish to saline, with two dominant calcium and sodium sulphate types. The central area between Zurbatia and Badra towns can be a qualified location to increase well drilling due to salinity decreasing as the transmissivity and maximum yields increase.

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 ISSN: 2661-3131
 Abbreviation: Resour Environ Inf Eng
 Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yuesuo Yang(China)
 Publishing Frequency: Continuous publication
 Article Processing Charges (APC):
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 Publishing Model:
Open Access