Vol 3 No 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-09-19

Abstract views: 88   PDF downloads: 34  

Pages 94-99

Aspects of information and spiritual similarity of real and virtual spaces

blankpage Evgeniy Bryndin

The results of numerous studies demonstrate the possibility of using the same approaches to studying real and virtual space in the context of their spatial perception. The study of virtual space can be carried out using the same parameters as physical space, and they should be considered equivalent. Virtual space is only one of the strategies for information copying of real space, the result of an irresistible human need to expand the horizons of research. Virtual space does not pose any threat to reality if we interpret the virtual environment as a transformation of the real environment, a new way of studying the mutual penetration of the virtual and real worlds. Learning to navigate in virtual space leads to safer life in real space.