Research Article
Safe zones in hip-implant designs to resist
Major contributing parameters to hip implant dislocation include preoperative, intra-operative and post-operative factors. Implant geometry are design as well as non-design related. Femoral and acetabular component design features causing dislocation and/or resisting it are elucidated. Twelve implants were designed during this investigation were analyzed for dislocation resistance. A safe zone, establishes combinations of implant dimensions, was analyzed for all the 12 implants where implants were dislocation resistant. Head diameters between 26 mm to 32 mm, neck diameters closer to 14 mm, and neck angle between 25 to 35º were examined to be the safest ranges for hip implant designs.
Application of probabilistic methods to turbine engine disk life prediction and risk assessment
Turbine engine disk life prediction and understanding the associated risk remains a significant challenge for today’s designer. Despite advances made in materials testing and characterization, as well as, the application of damage tolerance and linear elastic fracture mechanics modeling, there remains a void in properly assessing loading, geometry, and material design property variability. Add to this the application of advanced hybrid and composite material systems and the need to accurately deal with material variability is even greater. There still remain incidents of failure of critical components which were not properly accounted for by the existing analytical methods, testing, and inspections employed today. Application of probabilistic methods offers an effective and useful approach to modeling this variability while also providing a means by which to assess random variable sensitivity and risk assessment. Current research, as well as, applicable industry and government regulatory guidelines and publications were examined and will be presented. An assessment of the most effective tools, modeling methods, and predictive risk of failure assessments together with recommendations for future work will be discussed. The potential for probabilistic methods to provide a cost-effective way to manage fleet engine and component usage is presented, as well as, its ability to enhance the safe implementation of Retirement for Cause concepts to fleet management.
Ensembles of intelligent agents with expanding communication abilities
Ensembles of intellectual agents solve the problem in the course of self-organization and cooperation according to the criteria of preference and restriction. The solution is considered found when, in the course of their nondeterministic interactions, agents reach the best consensus (temporary equilibrium or balance of interests), which is taken as a solution to the problem. Solving a problem is always seen as an equilibrium when none of the agents can improve their condition anymore, which is evidence of reaching a reasonable compromise, balance of interests, or agreement (harmony) of all intellectual agents in a problematic situation. Agents can act both on behalf of and on behalf of a person, and any physical and abstract entities. In the ensemble of intellectual agents of each entity of the real world, a software agent is put in line, which represents the interests of this entity and can coordinate its decisions with other agents. The advantages of intelligent agents that allow you to build self-organizing ensembles are especially manifested in conditions of a priori uncertainty and high dynamics of the world around you, allowing you to build adaptive ensembles with communicative abilities, rebuilding your plans for events in real time. The higher the intelligence of each agent and the richer the opportunities for communication between agents, the more complex and creative behavior the ensemble can demonstrate. The intellect of the ensemble arises and manifests itself in the process of self-organization of intellectual agents.
Creating humanoid intelligent digital twin on spectral and holographic approaches
A person perceives his environment through the influence of various complexes of conjugated vibrations on the eyes, ears and other sensitive components of the body. The psyche and neural systems of a person form the impression of vibration impact. The mind creates a language equivalent and connects it with the impression that has formed. Communication links are formed between impressions and language equivalents. Live vibrational information involves a person in a communicative creative process. In the creative communicative process, human intelligence develops. The combination of modern interdisciplinary technologies can contribute to the creation of an intelligent digital twin, similar to humans on spectral and holographic principles, relying on achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. The digital twin fixes the effects of the environment in the form of a spectrogram, and stores the effect result in the form of a hologram. Multilayer neural network systems with additional training work with spectra and holograms and their communications. Language communications are associated with spectra, holograms and their communications. A humanoid digital twin with an ensemble of intellectual agents will be able to form and develop intelligence in interaction with similar digital twins and people.

Pages 1-2
From the Editor-in-Chief of RIMA
The journal RIMA would be the bridge between researchers and industry practitioners. The key theme on smart factories encompasses many topics of interests; for example, digital design, novel control algorithms, digital twins, cobots (collaborative robots) and more. Furthermore, in today’s pandemic world which has significantly transformed the way traditional manufacturing industries operate, there is an even greater drive for a change in the manufacturing paradigm. Scientists and engineers of today should take bold steps in proposing and validating new workspace architecture that is reflective of the future. For instance, the development of digital twins or even virtual collaborative manufacturing are key drivers as we move into a future where both the virtual world and reality become seamless.