Aims and Scope

ReviewerCreditsAdvances in Developmental and Educational Psychology (ADEP) (eISSN:2591-7870) is an open access, continuously published, international, refereed  journal in the field of educational psychology and developmental psychology, publishing significant empirical contributions as well as scholarly reviews and theoretical or methodological articles includes psychology theory, assessment, education, treatment and application, relevant to psychological research and practice, as broadly defined.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• Psychology of teaching
• Social psychology of schools
• Motor, perceptual, cognitive, social and emotional development in infancy
• Social, emotional and personality development in childhood, adolescence and adulthood
• Cognitive and socio-cognitive development in childhood, adolescence and adulthood
• Developmental disorders, learning difficulties/disabilities and sensory impairments
• etc.

Vol 5 No 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-03-13

Abstract views: 214   PDF downloads: 70  

Page 196-205

Exploring EFL Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence: A Mixed-Methods Approach

blankpage Baochen Liu, Honggang Liu

This study explores the emotional intelligence of middle school English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in Northeast China, aiming to assess its factor structure and factor levels. Using a revised version of the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, data were collected from 1,017 participants. The results indicate that the teachers generally exhibited a high level of emotional intelligence (EI), with relatively high scores in all four sub-dimensions: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and interpersonal connectivity. Additionally, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods to validate the factor structure of EI. The findings reveal that teachers with higher EI tend to show greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, and motivation, which contributes to their overall job satisfaction and effective teaching practices. The results also underscore the importance of EI in coping with emotional challenges in the classroom and its potential role in improving educational quality.

Abstract views: 306   PDF downloads: 136  

Page 185-195

Effects of improving metacognitive awareness on emotional regulation and concentration in high school students

blankpage Jeong-Hwa Lee

This study aimed to develop a program to improve metacognitive awareness using acceptance and cognitive defusion training to examine its effects on emotional regulation and concentration in high school students. A total of 409 students participated in a concentration test; 45 students who received scores in the bottom 20% were divided into three groups of 15 students each: metacognitive awareness improvement, motivation reinforcement, and control. The metacognitive awareness improvement and motivation reinforcement program consisted of eight sessions each while the control group received zero intervention. Participants’ negative emotionality, emotional regulation, concentration, metacognitive awareness, and learning motivation were examined thrice: pre-intervention, post-intervention, and after nine weeks of follow-up. Compared to the control group, the metacognitive awareness improvement group showed considerably higher scores post-intervention and at follow-up. Conversely, the motivation reinforcement group showed higher scores and learning motivation scores only in the post-intervention stage and only showed significantly higher concentrations at follow-up.

Abstract views: 1259   PDF downloads: 462  

Pages 175-184

Empirical research in early infancy language acquisition: A nonsystematic review of literature

blankpage Jing An

This paper unsystematically reviewed the journal publications written in English in the period from 2010 to 2020 on the topic of early infancy language acquisition. The review was through two aspects: language comprehension, and language production. Additionally, this paper also reviewed several frequently used and new research methods and tools. For early infancy language comprehension, empirical studies found evidences on infants’ comprehension of words’ meaning through sounds, especially the comprehension of nouns, the latter was proven to have relevance with nouns’ familiarity and cross-word relations in the nouns. Besides, empirical studies found evidences on infants’ distinguishment between concrete words and abstract concepts. An important factor to influence infancy language comprehension is the social environment that the baby was exposed to, mainly the mother’s speech and her daily life routine (for example, her work). For early infancy language production, empirical studies found evidences on infants’ ability to associate similar sounds with different objects, and measurement for infants’ language outputs were brought forward in another empirical study. Empirical studies also found infants’ language outputs match to words and objects from the environment. Lastly, this paper reviewed the most frequently used technical methods: fMRI and fNIRS technology for investigating neural mechanisms of infancy language processing. There are other new research methods, include large-sample database analysis and quantitative modeling, corpus analysis, language inputs sampling, language model for infancy language acquisition.

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Dr. Cristiano Inguglia  ISSN: 2591-7870
 Abbreviation: Adv Dev Educ Psychol
 Editor-in-Chief: Dr.  Cristiano Inguglia(Italy)
 Publishing Frequency: Continuous publication
 Article Processing Charges (APC): Click here  for more details
 Publishing Model: Open Access