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Problem matter differences of private elementary school principals by school size: An analysis

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Rosemary Ustinoff-Brumbelow
John R Slate corresponding author
George W Moore
Frederick C Lunenburg


In this investigation, the degree to which differences were present between private elementary school principals at Small-size schools (i.e., less than 250 students) and private elementary school principals at Large-size schools (i.e., 250 or more students) in problem matters that occurred on their school campus was addressed.  Data were acquired from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Class of 2010-2011 Principal Survey.  Statistically significant differences were revealed in four of the eight areas private elementary school principals rated in frequency as a problem matter that occurred on their school campus.  Principals of Large-size schools emphasized statistically significant more problem matters in children bringing in or using illegal drugs, vandalism of school property, student bullying, and class cutting than principals of Small-size schools.  Suggestions for future research and implications for policy and practice were made.

ECLS-K, student enrollment, small-size schools, large-size schools, problem matters

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How to Cite
Ustinoff-Brumbelow, R., Slate, J., Moore, G., & Lunenburg, F. (2020). Problem matter differences of private elementary school principals by school size: An analysis. Advances in Educational Research and Evaluation, 1(2), 54-62.


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