Barriers related to the deployment of renewable energies in Cameroon and ways to strengthen policies
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Cameroon's current vision is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 32% by 2035. To this end, there is no doubt that renewable energies should play the leading role in achieving this goal. This paper applied the fishbone diagram as part of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis related to the deployment of renewable energies in Cameroon. The results showed that the share of renewable energy in the country's energy mix decreased from 98.9 to 76.11% in 2000 and 2015, respectively. This is due to the decline in hydroelectric generation, which has been caused by the growing share of fossil fuels, with solar, wind and biomass remaining underutilized. Meanwhile, the under-exploitation of Cameroon’s energy potential is mainly due to technological, financial, management, and the lack of skills barriers. However, the current rapid development of renewable energy technologies and financial support provided by the International Community under the Paris Agreement are opportunities that Cameroon can seize to engage significantly in R&DV, to promote its energy potential and reduce its dependence on foreign technologies. In this regard, this paper provided some pathways through which policymakers should pay more attention.
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