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Exegesis of Sabin poliovaccine in terms of medical science

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Giullio Filippo Tarro corresponding author


Short Story of the Battle Against Poliomyelitis
There are three types of poliovirus. The type 2 Lansing and type 3 Leon have been virtually eradicated everywhere thanks to vaccines developed by Salk first in 1955 and then by Sabin in 1961. The use of the Sabin vaccine has prevailed for the new idea to use an attenuated virus and the convenience of administration (oral and not intramuscular) and because it is cheaper. Two billions and a half am01ong children and adults were vaccined in 200 countries, freeing up 80% of the world of this scourge and bringing down the figure of 35,000 children suffering from polio in 1988 to 279 in 2014, of which 236 cases appeared in Pakistan. The poliovirus type 1 Brunhilde, however, has not been eradicated completely and appeared recently in Pakistan, Somalia, Ethiopia,
Guinea, Kenya and Afghanistan. Each recurrence may be the beginning of new infections, so the war can never be said to be completely won.

Meanwhile, for the period 2013-2018, the World Health Organization and the Rotary Foundation allocated US$1 million each a year, for a total of US$5 billion, to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

Article Details


Giullio Filippo Tarro, Committee onBiotechnologies and VirusSphere World Academy BiomedicalTechnologies, UNESCO, Italy;

Theory and Clinical Practice in Pediatrics

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Giullio Filippo Tarro,  graduated from Medicine School, Naples University in 1962.

--(1965-1968) He was a Research Associate in Division of Virology and Cancer Research, Children’s Hospital;
--(1968-1969) Assistant Professor of Research Pediatrics, College Medicine, Cincinnati University, Ohio;
--(1972-1985) Dr. Tarro was responsible for the discovery of an RSV virus related to infant deaths in Naples(1979), and he was an Oncological Virology Professor, Naples University;
--(1973-2003) He moved forwards as Chief Division in Virology, before moving into Head Department Diagnostic Laboratories, (2003-2006);
--He was an Emeritus in D. Cotugno Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Naples from 2006 till up to date;
--Since 2007, Professor Tarro is the Chairman Committee of Biotechnologies and VirusSphere, World Academy Biomedical Technologies, UNESCO;
--He is also Adjunct Professor Department Biology, Temple University, College of Science and Technology, Philadelphia;
--He was the recipient of the Sbarro Health Research Organization Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 and President Foundation de Beaumont Bonelli for Cancer Research;
--His basic researches deal with early antigens of herpes-virus and tumor proteins induced in lung cancer;
--He has published more than 500 academic articles by now.